Recipes – FatChick2FitChick (2024)

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3 For The Price ofOne


I am bringing you a three for one recipe post today. It was brought to my attention that Iinadvertentlynever posted myMexicancasserole recipe. So without further ado here is the recipes for MexicanCasserole, Mexican Coleslaw,and Sweet Potato Meatloaf Bake:

Mexican Casserole


Ground Turkey 1.25 lb
1 Green Bell Pepper Diced
1 Medium Onion Diced
3 Cans of Rotel Tomatoes (drained)
2 Eggs
1.5 Cups of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 package of taco seasoning

Brown turkey with onions and bell peppers until meat is cooked and veggies are tender. Combine meat, veggies, drained rotel, eggs, 1 cup of the cheese and the taco seasoning in a bowl. Mix well. Pour into 9×9 brownie pan and top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

6 servings: 247 calories, 9g of fat, 10 carbs, 32g of protein, 5g of sugar per serving

Mexican Cole Slaw


Juice of one lime
1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tbsp of Honey
1 tbsp of cumin
1 tsp of garlic powder
1/4 cup of olive oil
Chopped Fresh Cilantro
1/8 cup chopped green onion
1 bag of Shredded Cabbage Coleslaw mix

Mix vnegar, honey, and spices together in a bowl. Whisk in olive oil. Then blend in veggies and cilantro. Chill and serve.

6 servings: 93 calories, 8g of fat, 4 carbs, 0g of protein, 4g of sugar per serving

Sweet Potato Meatloaf Bake

Ground Turkey 1.25 lb
1 Green Bell Pepper Diced
1 Medium Onion Diced
2 Cans of Rotel Tomatoes (drained)
2 Eggs
3 Sweet Potatoes
1/4 cup of milk

Peel and chop sweet potatoes. Set aside. Put water on the stove to bring to a boil. While water is is heating combine raw turkey, onion, bell pepper, rotel, eggs and seasonings you would typically use with meatloaf (I use different stuff all the time so I am no help here). Once blended well, put mixture in 9×9 pan and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. While meatloaf is in the oven, cook the potatoes until tender. Drain and mash with milk, salt, and pepper. Pour mashed sweet potatoes on top of meatloaf and return to oven for an additional 30 minutes.

6 servings: 260 calories, 9g of fat, 19 carbs, 22g of protein, 7g of sugar per serving

Tags: clean eating, cooking, dieting, exercise, fitness, food, goals, health, inspiration, kettlebell, lifestyle, marriage, motivation, muscles, new years, paleo, parenting, primal, recipe, relationships, resolutions, strength training, training, weight loss, wellness, whole 30, workout

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Eating Healthy: Planning andBudgeting


I have to say that I am really loving the Dear Food Diary challenge. I have tried multiple websites and apps and My Fitness Pal is by far my favorite. The biggest reason is because of the vast database of food that they have. I rarely have to add a food because it is not listed.

As promised, I am going to share some of my favorite features of the app. My absolute favorite feature is probably the recipe builder. I use this feature to build my recipes before I ever make my grocery list. This really helps me stay on track because:

  1. I can see ahead of time if the recipe fits into the calorie range that I want.
  2. I can tweak the recipe if it is on the high or low side on calories.
  3. It helps me plan my week out because I know what I am looking for snack wise to round out my day calorie wise.
  4. My recipes are saved for future use, and adding that meal is simple after the first time entering it.
  5. I know exactly how much food to buy at the store.

I am a budget girl. I like to shop for exactly what we need for the week and only buy extra when there is really good sales/coupons or it is a staple must have on hand kind of food. We spend around $100 to $120 a week for our family of 3. We buy the majority of our food from theperimeterof the store. This means clean eating, whole foods, limited processing.

In the past when we got on “healthy food” kicks, it seemed like we spent a small fortune on groceries, compared to when we bought all those boxed/frozen dinners and junk food. The truth is we just did not have our health food groove down and did not have adequate planning. We would spend the same amount of money or more, and then end up eating out 3 or more nights a week. Food went to waste and money went down the crapper.

I like to plan all the way down to my exact snacks. This probably sounds like the worst thing ever to some of you. The thing is, I have not counted calories in the past, and it got me 332 lbs to show for it. I don’t want to obsess daily about calories, but I have to know exactly what I am eating and keep control of it. So, I think, plot, and plan 1 time a week and have all my eats planned out for the next week. I do have extra nutritional snacks on hand for when I am more hungry. A day after a big workout I will usually be hungrier.

Recipes – FatChick2FitChick (8)


I think having a good idea of what and how much you and your family plan on eating for the week, definitely helps make the groceries you buy to not be purchased in vain. You will stay on budget, eliminate food waste, and keep more control of the calorie range you are shooting for. Be sure to keep extra healthy snacks on hand for when the hunger strikes. If you keep your house stocked with healthy eats, then you will have no choice but to snack healthy.

Be sure to add me on myfitnesspal if you have not done so already (fatchick2fitchick). My diary is public to friends so you can scope it out if you are so inclined. Be sure to also join in on the #dearfooddiary challenge and share it with your friends and readers, if you blog. Grab the button below and share this business up!

Recipes – FatChick2FitChick (9)

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With that, I want to share a great protein lunch or snack recipe. I am using this as my protein post workout snack at night.

Mayo-Free Avocado Egg Salad


8 hard boiled eggs peeled with whites and yolks seperated
1 small to medium avocado peeled and cut into chunks
Garlic Salt
Lime Juice
Hot Sauce
1 to 2 slices of cooked bacon

Blend egg yolks, avocado, cumin, garlic salt, lime juice and hot sauce in a food processor or by hand until smooth. Gently mix yolk and avocado mixture with chopped egg whites. Crumble bacon and stir into mixture.

Serve plain, on bread/tortilla, or my favorite is in deli ham or turkey slices and roll up.

6 (1/2 cup) servings 136 calories, 11g of fat, 3 carbs, 1g of sugar, 9g of protein per serving.

Tags: before and after, before and after pictures, cats, challenge, clean eating, cooking, dieting, dogs, exercise, february, fitness, food, fun, goals, health, humor, inspiration, kettlebell, lifestyle, marriage, motivation, muscles, new years, paleo, parenting, pets, primal, recipe, relationships, resolutions, snakes, strength training, training, weight loss, wellness, whole 30, workout

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Chicken and Veggie StewRecipe


This is seriously one of the best and easiest dishes I have made in a long time! At around 200 calories, 5g of Fat, 20g of Protein, and 27 carbs a serving, this is a filling and flavorfulbowlfulof yum!

Around 1 to 1.5 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 cups of chopped celery
1 medium onion diced
4 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and cut into chunks)
2 cans of stewed tomatoes
1 can of reduced sodium chicken broth
Seasoning of choice (I used Herbs De Provence and garlic salt)

Put whole chicken breasts in crock pot with all ingredients, seasonings, and broth. Cook for 6 to 8 hours until chicken shreds and potatoes are cooked completely. Makes approximately 6 servings.

Tags: clean eating, cooking, dieting, exercise, fitness, food, goals, health, inspiration, kettlebell, lifestyle, marriage, motivation, muscles, new years, paleo, parenting, primal, recipe, relationships, resolutions, strength training, training, weight loss, wellness, whole 30, workout

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Millions of Peppers Peppers ForMe


I think between me and hubs, we support an entire small bell pepper farm somewhere on this great planet. There is not a week that goes by that the grocery list is notinundatedwith bell peppers for both of us. If he does not grow us averitablepepper “orchard” in our back yard this summer, he might get a throat punch come fall. Don’t get concerned with Hubs well being. This is not an unreasonable demand. He is a professor and just so conveniently “has summers off”, so I think the least he can doin spiteof this annoying perk, is grow me some danged peppers.

The point of my insane pepper rant is to introduce two super easy lunch recipes I have been rocking lately. Rocking to the point of repeating regularly.

Chicken Sausage and Peppers:

2 packages of link sausage (your choice…I use Chicken)
2 red bell peppers
2 green bell peppers
1 large onion
Seasoning of choice (I used Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime seasoning.)

Cut sausage links into chunks and slice peppers and onions into fajita like strips. Cook all together in wok or skillet with season until veggies are done. That simple and unbelievably delicious. I divided this recipe into 6 servings (and had something else to round out lunch on these days).

6 servings: 169 calories, 7g of fat, 25g of protein, 7 carbs, and 3g of sugar. This will vary by your serving sizes, and the type of sausage you use. The sausage I used was 110 calories a link.

Oven Roasted Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Peppers and Onions:

Around 2 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breasts
3 medium sweet potatotes (peeled)
2 red bell peppers
2 green bell peppers
1 large onion
Lemon Juice (I just toss some in, I don’t know how much)
garlic salt
Seasonings of choice (I used Mrs. Dash Tomato Basil…I should own stock in Mrs. Dash products.)

Cut chicken and veggies into chunks. Season in a bowl with garlic salt, seasoning and lemon juice. Mix well. Pour into 9×13 cake pan, cover with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes on 350 degrees. Remove from oven and stir. Then replace in the oven covered for an additional 30-45 minutes until potatoes are desired tenderness. If the concoction gets too much broth going, you may want to scope some out at the half way point.

Makes 6 servings: 243 calories, 6g fat, 18 carbs, 50g of protein, 7g of sugar.

I have a couple more recipes coming at you later this week. MyMexicancasserole andMexicancoleslaw are on deck next!

Tags: clean eating, cooking, dieting, exercise, fitness, food, goals, health, inspiration, kettlebell, lifestyle, marriage, motivation, muscles, new years, paleo, parenting, primal, recipe, relationships, resolutions, strength training, training, weight loss, wellness, whole 30, workout

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Spaghetti Squash and Turkey MarinaraBake


Okay, I have tried the old spaghetti squash as pasta trick. I am all about healthy alternatives, and if it is a veggie, I am really on board with it. I have to be honest and say that I have not been the biggest fan of spaghetti squash in the past. It was either to crunchy, too wet and soggy, or too sweet…yes just call me Goldilocks. It just never hit the spot for me.

Since I like to cook one central meal that I eat over the course of week, I was looking for something Italian-y. I had a week of taco soup, then a week of pork fajitas, I wanted a little taste of Italy. Out of this craving was born the Spaghetti Squash and Turkey Marinara Bake. I was nervous that it would be sub par and I would stuck choking it down all week, but I was willing to take the gamble. I am so glad I did! This is delicious!!! I will say that next time I make this, I will probably use 2 spaghetti squash instead of 1 or get a bigger one at least. While this is amazing…I feel like I need more of the veg to keep it from feeling like I simply eating meat marinara at times.

1 or 2 spaghetti squash
1 lb of ground turkey (I typically use 99% lean, but hubs grabbed 93% this week, and it was a treat by tasting closer to beef!)
1 medium onion
1 can of stewed tomatoes (I diced these up smaller before using)
Italian Sesoning (I used Mrs. Dash Tomato Basil seasoning.)
3/4 jar of your fave marinara sauce
1 cup of shredded mozzerella

Cut your spaghetti squash in half. Bake at 350 degrees with the cut side down for 45 to 60 minutes. Brown turkey and onion with Italian seasonings. Throw in a can of stewed tomatoes and heat the mixture. Remove cooked squash from the oven and fork out the squash. Press out excess liquid* and then mix squash with turkey mixture, marinara sauce, and 1/2 cup of cheese. Pour the mixture into a brownie pan and cover with the remaining 1/2 cup of cheese. Bake on 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes.

*I was worried about the squash being too watery, so I took the squash that I removed and pressed the water out using a colander and a lid to a pot. I would press out all the liquid, then stir, fluff the squash and repeat pressing liquid out. I did this several times and eliminated a lot of liquid.

Makes 6 servings. **277 calories, 11g of fat, 18 carbs, 24g of protein, 8g of sugar, 641g of sodium per serving.

**This will vary depending on the leanness of the meat you use, and the type of pasta sauce you use.

I also roasted eggplant as a side dish, and as always this is one of my faves!!!

Tags: clean eating, cooking, dieting, exercise, fitness, food, goals, health, inspiration, kettlebell, lifestyle, marriage, motivation, muscles, new years, paleo, parenting, primal, recipe, relationships, resolutions, strength training, training, weight loss, wellness, whole 30, workout

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Recipes – FatChick2FitChick (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.